Marina Eid Alfy (SHA013) - Sponsor Now

Marina Eid Alfy (SHA013)

Place Egypt

Age 15

Marina is 10 years old. She has two sisters, Mariam and MalkHer father is a driver and earns an income of EGP 1,200.00 which is equal to $69.76 USD. Marina has an older sister who dreams of going to France one day in celebration of good grades. She also has a younger sister. Marina really enjoys science and would like to grow up to be a pediatrician. She attends awana and mostly enjoys the Bible story portion! She very much likes the story of Mary and Martha. She says she loves how Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to His teachings. She hopes to be just like Mary. Marina kept crying because she was so emotionally moved by people coming to visit her and asking her all these caring questions. Her favorite Bible verse is John 14:6- "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The family shared an answered prayer request from the year before. A previous team came and prayed over the mother to get pregnant and to have a boy, that's exactly what happened! 7 people live in the household and all health is good other than the grandfather struggles with his knees. All the children are very independent and the mother bragged on her 3 girls doing all of their own chores and helping her. They asked for prayer over them to continue to live in healthy fear of God, and they ask us to thank God for being such a good taker to them. Marina was thanking God for how He always listens and answers her prayers while we were there. Marina's older sister told us how God works in all of there lives. She said God is her closest friend who is always with her through all of lies experiences. She said he stays with her in bad, sad, and happy times.