Khalil Milad Zaghloul (DB020) - Sponsor Now

Khalil Milad Zaghloul (DB020)

Place Egypt

Age 18

Favorite Subject Arabic and reading

Type of House Stone

Khalil's favorite hobby is reading. He lives in a stone house, and his family duties are helping on the farm and running errands.  He has three sisters.

Letter from Khalil Milad Zaghloul (DB020)

Published Sat, Feb 26, 22. Written by Brooklyn Madding.

It's letter time!
We have received an updated letter from your sponsored child through our sponsorship partners in Egypt, Healing Grace. The letter is attached as a PDF. Please let us know at if you have any questions or issues accessing this letter.

Thank you for your generosity, sponsorship and support,
- The Cove Church Sponsorship Team

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