Eriny Issac Fayez (SHA047) - Sponsor Now

Eriny Issac Fayez (SHA047)

Place Egypt

Age 7

Favorite Subject Arabic

Dreams To become a teacher!

More Info Village Information: Sharara is a village located in the governorate of Minya, which is located approximately an hour and a half south of Cairo. It has a population of 6,000 people of which 60% are Muslims, 20% are Evangelical Christians and 20% are Coptic Christians. Approximately 50% of the population is below the poverty line. The main industry in Sharara is farming. The most common disease is hepatitis C.

Eriny excels in school knows how to read, write, and do her multiplication twos. She has a little brother who is a little spitfire! The family is so extremely warm & welcoming!