Baher Sam Nazeem (DB019) - 0 of 0 Shares Sponsored

Baher Sam Nazeem (DB019)

Place Egypt

Age 19

Baher is a part of our Rising Leaders program. He has graduated high school, a tremendous accomplishment and one that is not easily accomplished in his given circumstances. As a Rising Leader, he will be supported to continue his education throughout his university years with a much more concentrated focus on discipleship, servant leadership, and personal skills & character development. He is going to be studying in the Nursing Institute, with the hopes of becoming a Nurse!

We see so many success stories coming out of the Rising Leaders program, and it is the true fruit of many years of investment in the lives of the children from dedicated sponsors. The sponsorship fees for Rising Leaders is $70/child/month due to the higher expenses of all aspects of university life and education (which slightly varies depending on their field of study) and is directly related to the student’s education and training. 100% of the sponsorship fees goes to the student.

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